ROUGH OUT: We use point chisels and/or the largest reasonable diamond blades on angle grinders to remove larger sections. Tools – hammer and manual point chisel (or air hammer), 5″, 7″ or 9″ diamond blade.
SCULPTING: Now that the form is beginning to show, we use tooth and flat chisels to “feel” the stone and develop the shape. Tools – hammer and tooth and flat chisels.
REFINING: With smaller chisels and grinding tools (like burrs) we can get a lot more detail and clean up rough spots on the surface. Tools – Chisels and grinding tools
FINISHING: Rasps and sandpaper allow us to remove chisel and other scratch marks. This is where the beauty of the stone starts to show through. Tools – Flat and shaped rasps, various grinding stones, silicon carbide sandpaper.
SEALING: Sometimes we may want to protect the finished piece from weather, fingerprints or other detractors. We can also deepen colors of the stone with enhancers. Tools- Indoor and outdoor sealers, color enhancers and non-yellowing waxes.
DISPLAYING: Many times a piece looks much more impressive if it is framed – mounted on a base. This requires careful thought of sizes and colors, drilling and then gluing the pieces together. Tools – Wood, stone or metal base, drill bit, epoxy glue.